Vessels to Science
Fusing science and art, capturing the intricacies of neural networks and conceptual allure of the brain's labyrinth. Awakening conversations where restructuring and reorganizing sequences, order and disorder ...
Terracotta vessel 18'' tall - inspired from folklore dance, costume, culture and fashion
white engobe printed skirt, black lines hand drawn with oxide pen and iron oxide mixture, brushed glaze ...
Nomad 12x18 ( ink-wet on wet technic)
Men in Hammam 18x12 (exhibited at the Westmount Visual Art Center exhibit summer 2023)
Men in Hamman #2
Dry Brush Ink on ...
Serigraphy Varied Edition
January 2nd 1937 King George on the first series of bilingual Canadian dollar bills. This one came with a promise to bring back the ...
Chandelier study for the Green Room
The green room is a familiar term through my career as an artist. Here is the study and experimental mono print technic featured with ...